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Social Media Graphic Design (Beginner Level)
Terminology and Content Creation Basics
Set Yourself Up for Success (1:10)
The Psychology of Colours (4:12)
Hex Codes and Colour Palettes (4:30)
Understanding Licenses (4:17)
How to Find Free Images and Videos (9:07)
Terminology Design Dos and Don'ts (11:03)
Instagram and Facebook Design
Overview (0:50)
Get to Know Canva (5:02)
Create an Instagram Story (16:19)
Optimise Your Instagram Story (9:01)
Design an Inspirational Quote Graphic (11:25)
Create a Multi-Image Post (13:09)
Create a Facebook Cover Video (7:24)
Design An Impactful Facebook Ad (12:17)
Create Animated GIFs (7:38)
Pinterest and YouTube Design
Overview (0:52)
Create Your Pin Templates (11:54)
Customise Your Pin Templates and Tall Pins (9:00)
Create Your Pinterest Board Covers (7:13)
Create An Image Cut-Out of Yourself (8:00)
Create YouTube Channel Art (12:14)
Create a YouTube Thumbnail (10:22)
Design a YouTube End Screen (19:50)
Additional Business Materials Design
Overview (0:38)
Design a Stunning eBook (11:51)
Learn to Resize Your PDFs and Images (7:46)
Using Mockups (5:28)
Thank You (0:45)
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